Seminar – Alba Iulia, 26 May 2017

Agenda 2030, food issue & European integration 

from linear economy to circular economy


organizes within

6th Int. Conference
“Environmental Engineering & Sustainable Development”
Alba Iulia, 26 May 2017, 09.30 a.m.


In September 2015 the UN approved the Global Agenda for sustainable development and its objectives (Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. By approving the Agenda, more than 170 countries in the world that are obliged to implement it,  recognize that the current development model, both environmentally, economically and socially is unsustainable. All countries are required to contribute through a strong involvement of all components of the society: business, public sector, consumers, non-profit institutions, universities and research centers. Among the 17 SDGs, the second one is devoted to the Food issue: access to food, food safety, food quality and nutritional properties. Face and overcome the food issue requires a shift from a logic of food for food to food for sustainability. The fundamental of this strategy is a vision of sustainable agriculture, i.e. an agriculture that aims to an integrated approach to wellness, and to its sustainability, capable to cope with the economic, social and environmental challenges. To pursuit a sustainable path for the business system, a new economic paradigm is needed: the Circular Economy. The European Union is giving strong support to this paradigm.



Chairpersons: Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Zacharoula Andreopoulou, Gianni Quaranta

Friday 26 May 2017, Big Aula

09.30-09.45 Introduction- The Agenda 2030 and circular economy, Prof. Gian Paolo Cesaretti
09.45-10.00 Internet of Things: a new tool for Sustainable Development Goals, Prof. Zacharoula Andreopoulou
10.00-10.15 The food issue in the Agenda 2030,  Dr.Irene Paola Borrelli
10.15-10.30 The agri food systems and rural territories in the circular economy, Dr.Rosanna Salvia
10.30-10.45 Food consumption models and circular economy, Dr. Maria Carmen de Angelis
10.45-11.00 Conclusions-The EU policy framework to support circular economy, Prof. Giovanni Quaranta
11.00 END of SEMINAR

Seminar Key topics:

•Agenda 2030  •Sustainable Development Goals  •Circular Economy  •Internet of Things & ICT Adoption  •Sustainable Agriculture  •Water and Soil Conservation  •Food Sustainability  •Food Safety  •Food Security  •Food Authentication

Target audience

Conference participants, environmental and agricultural scientists, Agricultural Economists, Policy Makers, Engineers, Chemists, Biologists, Social Scientists, etc.

Advantages for participants

  • state-of-art information on the proposed topic
  • certificate of attendance signed and authenticated by Cesaretti Foundation

SEMINAR Organizing Committee

  • Prof. Dr. Gian Paolo Cesaretti, Simone Cesaretti Foundation
  • Prof. Dr. Zacharoula Andreopoulou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, BENA
  • Prof. Dr. Giovanni Quaranta, University of Basilicata
  • Dr. Rosanna Salvia, University of Basilicata
  • Dr. Irene Paola Borrelli, Researcher Simone Cesaretti Foundation
  • Dr. Maria Carmen de Angelis, Researcher Simone Cesaretti Foundation

SEMINAR Local Organizing Committee

  • Prof. Maria Popa, University of Alba Iulia, BENA
  • Dr. Mariana Golumbeanu, Grigori Antipa Institute, BENA
  • Prof. Dr. Carolina Constantin, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, BENA

Venue:   Room A9, Big Aula
– 6 focus presentations of   15 min each. Total 90 min